How to pronounce


Verification is an important English word to understand and pronounce correctly. Pronouncing it correctly can be tricky for non-native speakers, but with practice, it can become second nature. Here's how to pronounce verification:

Start with the "V" sound, which is made by pressing your lower lip to your top teeth and vibrating your vocal cords.

Next, say the "eh" sound, which is made by opening your mouth wide and pushing air through your throat.

Then, say the "r" sound, which is made by curling your tongue and pushing air through your throat.

After that, say the "i" sound, which is made by pursing your lips and pushing air through your throat.

Finally, say the "fay" sound, which is made by pushing air through your lips and vibrating your vocal cords.

Putting it all together, verification is pronounced "v-eh-r-i-fay-shuhn". With repetition, you'll soon be able to say it like a native speaker.

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