Famous phrases

Have you ever tried to coin a famous English phrase, only to find yourself lost in a sea of words? Crafting a memorable saying isn't easy, and neither is nailing its pronunciation. Learn from the best.

If you're co-parenting with a partner, or it's a spouse, or you can enlist a child, do it together without feeling like it's an ambush, and sit down and just reflect back to your loved one what you are seeing.
There's something called the fundamental attribution error in psychology.
You know that panic you feel a few hours before a big deadline when you haven't done anything yet.
And 1 in 5 would be unhappy if someone from the other political party married into our family.
They think that I'm saying, that a stresses enhancing mindset means you should stress, right?
I wrote down and I'm going to keep this in the front of my mind, going forward, to continually ask what is the effect of my mindset about X?

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