How to pronounce


Are you wondering how to pronounce frappe? Pronouncing frappe correctly is quite simple if you follow these guidelines.

  • American Pronunciation: /fræˈpeɪ/ or /frɑːˈpeɪ/
  • British Pronunciation: /fræˈpeɪ/
  • IPA Notation:
    • American: [fræˈpeɪ] or [frɑːˈpeɪ]
    • British: [fræˈpeɪ]

For "frappe," you start with a sound that's between the 'f' in "fine" and the 'r' in "ray," followed by the open 'a' as in "cat" but held a bit longer and more open, especially in the American pronunciation. The word ends with a 'pey' sound, emphasizing the 'e' at the end.

First, the word is pronounced "frap", with the emphasis on the first syllable. The "p" is a soft one, so it is almost like saying "fr-ahp". The final "e" is not pronounced, but it is important to keep the vowel sound that follows the "p" sound. If you say "frap" and then pause, that is the correct pronunciation.It is also important to note that frappe is not pronounced like "frap", which is an English verb meaning to beat or hit. Be sure to make the "p" sound very soft when saying frappe.Practice saying frappe out loud to get the pronunciation right.

Definition of


In general, a "frappe" refers to a cold or iced beverage that has been blended, shaken, or beaten to create a frothy, refreshing drink. The specific interpretation can vary widely:

  1. In the United States and elsewhere, a frappe (often pronounced with a silent 'e') might be a thick milkshake or a blended coffee drink with ice cream.
  2. In Greece, a frappé is a popular foamy iced coffee drink made from instant coffee, water, sugar, and milk, shaken to create a froth.
  3. In France, "frappé" can refer to any iced or chilled drink.

What does it mean


The term "frappe" comes from the French "frappé," which means "iced" or "chilled." It's derived from the French verb "frapper," meaning "to strike," but in culinary contexts, it implies chilling drinks by shaking or stirring them with ice. The use of "frappe" to describe a variety of cold and refreshing drinks reflects its French origins, emphasizing the method of preparation to achieve the characteristic cold, often frothy texture. Over time, "frappe" has been adopted and adapted by different cultures, leading to the diverse range of beverages it represents today.

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