How to pronounce


If you're a non-native English speaker, it's important to know how to pronounce the word "prejudice." Proper pronunciation is key for expressing yourself clearly in English.

The word "prejudice" is pronounced as "PREE-ju-diss." The "PREE" part is pronounced like the word "free," but with a little bit more emphasis on the "ee" sound. The middle part of the word, "ju," is pronounced like the letter "J," but with a bit of a soft "u" sound at the end. The last syllable, "diss," is pronounced like the word "dice," but with a bit of an "s" sound at the end.

So, all together, "prejudice" is pronounced "PREE-ju-diss." Remember to emphasize the sounds of each syllable, and you'll be able to pronounce the word correctly.

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