Are you a non-native English speaker looking to learn how to pronounce "technological"? This guide will help you learn the correct way to say the word.
The word “technological” is pronounced “tek-nuh-loj-i-kuhl”. To pronounce it correctly, start by saying “tek” with a short “e” sound, followed by “nuh” with a short “u” sound. Then, say “loj” with a short “o” sound followed by “i” with a long “e” sound and “kuhl” with a short “u” sound.
The stress should be placed on the first syllable, “tek”, and the other syllables should be said quickly. The word should be pronounced with a clear and even tone.
Practice saying the word several times to make sure that you have the pronunciation down. Pay attention to the way your mouth and tongue move to form the sounds. The more practice you do, the more natural it will sound.
By following this guide, you can be sure that you’re correctly pronouncing the word “technological” like a native English speaker.