How to pronounce


Pronunciation of "sovereignty" is an important part of speaking English accurately. To correctly pronounce this word, begin with the “s” sound, then move to the “oh” sound. The next sound is the “v” as in “voice” and the following sound is the “ree.” The “ee” sound should be pronounced with a long “e” sound. To finish the word, the “nity” should be said with a “t” sound. The word should roll off the tongue with a soft “y” sound at the end.

The word “sovereignty” should be pronounced as “soh-vuh-ree-ee-nuh-tee.” To practice, it is helpful to repeat the word several times, emphasizing each of the sounds. It is also helpful to practice in front of a mirror to ensure that the mouth and tongue are making the correct shapes for each sound.

With practice, it will become easier to correctly pronounce the word “sovereignty.” This is an important word to be able to say accurately, as it is often used in political, legal, and international contexts. Once you have mastered the pronunciation of this word, you will be more confident in your ability to speak English.

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