How to pronounce


When learning how to pronounce "challenge," there are several important aspects to consider.

First, the stress of the word should be on the second syllable, "chal." To emphasize this syllable, it should be pronounced longer and louder than the first syllable, "ch." The "ch" sound should be made with the back of the tongue in the soft palate, while the "a" sound should be short and flat.

The "l" should be pronounced as a clear "l" sound, with the tongue touching the back of the top teeth. The "en" should sound like a short nasal "eh," similar to the sound in the word "hen." Finally, the "ge" should sound like a short "j" sound, with the tongue in the same position as for the "l" sound.

Overall, the pronunciation of "challenge" should be "chal-en-j." When speaking, emphasis should be on the second syllable, "chal." With practice, the correct pronunciation of "challenge" will become second nature.

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