How to pronounce


When it comes to learning English pronunciation, the word plan is an important one to master. To correctly pronounce it, start by saying each syllable clearly. The first syllable is pronounced "pl," which sounds like a short "p" sound followed by a long "l" sound. The second syllable is pronounced "an" and sounds like a short "a" sound followed by a long "n" sound. When combined, the word should sound something like "plan."

It's also important to pay attention to the stress in the word. The emphasis should be placed on the first syllable: "PLAN." Be sure to emphasize the "pl" sound and keep the "an" sound softer.

To practice, try saying the word out loud multiple times in a row. Place the emphasis on the first syllable each time you say it. Also, try saying the word in a sentence to get used to saying it in a natural way. For example, you can say, "I have a plan to finish my project."

Once you've practiced the pronunciation a few times, you should be able to correctly pronounce the word plan. With enough practice, you'll be able to say it confidently and naturally in any conversation.

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