How to pronounce


Download is a common word in English, but it can be tricky to pronounce correctly. To ensure you are saying it correctly, try these tips.

American Pronunciation: /ˈdaʊnˌloʊd/
British Pronunciation: /ˈdaʊnləʊd/

  • Syllable breakdown: down-load
  • Sounds like: The word "down" as in the opposite of "up," followed by "load," which rhymes with "road."

Start by stressing the first syllable: "DOWN". Make sure to pronounce it as one syllable and not two. The vowel sound should be a short "o" sound, as in "hot". The "w" should be a "wah" sound, not a "woo" sound.The second syllable should be unstressed and have a "l" sound. The vowel sound should be a short "a" sound, as in "cat".Put the two together for the correct pronunciation of "download": "DOWN-loud".

Practice this word with Pronounce AI English speech checker to make sure you have the right accent. Remember, the first syllable is stressed and the second syllable is unstressed, and the vowel sound in the first syllable should be a short "o" sound and the vowel sound in the second syllable should be a short "a" sound.

Definition of


To download is to receive data from a remote system, such as a server, another computer, or the internet, to a local system. This action is commonly performed to retrieve software, files, or data so that it can be accessed or worked on locally.

What does it mean


The term "download" emerged with the advent of computer technology. The prefix "down-" refers to the direction of the transfer (from a remote system to a local one), contrasting with "upload," where data is sent in the opposite direction. The word "load" here signifies the action of loading data onto a device. The term became widely used in the late 20th century, particularly as the internet and digital file sharing grew in popularity, making it a relatively modern addition to the English language.

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