How to pronounce


Knowing how to pronounce the English word "hubris" correctly is important for non-native speakers. Pronouncing this word correctly can help you better communicate in English.

To pronounce hubris, begin by saying the letter "h." Pronounce the letter "h" with a strong breath, using a soft, gentle sound. Next, move on to the letter "u." This letter should be pronounced with a short, drawn-out sound.

After the letter "u," comes the letter "b." To correctly pronounce this letter, say it with a sharp, crisp sound. Make sure to put emphasis on the "b" sound.

Following the letter "b," comes the letter "r." To pronounce this letter correctly, say it with a short and soft sound. After the letter "r," comes the letter "i." This letter should be pronounced with a long and drawn-out sound.

Finally, to finish the pronunciation of hubris, say the letter "s." This letter should be pronounced with a strong and confident sound.

To summarize, the pronunciation of hubris is as follows: "h-u-b-r-i-s." Remember to place emphasis on the letter "b" and make sure to pronounce each letter clearly and confidently.

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Frequently asked questions

How do you say hubris correctly?
To pronounce hubris correctly, break it down into two syllables: HYOO-bris. Focus on placing emphasis on the first syllable. You can use Pronounce AI to check pronunciation in your conversations. Repeating the word multiple times daily and recording yourself with can help refine your pronunciation.
What are some synonyms for hubris?
Some synonyms for hubris include arrogance, conceit, and egotism. The choice of synonym depends on how extreme the pride or self-confidence is in your context.
Are there alternative pronunciations of hubris?
Yes, hubris may have subtle pronunciation differences depending on regional accents. For example, some speakers pronounce it as HYOO-bris, while others might say HOO-bris. Both pronunciations are generally accepted in English.

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