Pronounce provides real-time feedback on pronunciation, helping you speak more clearly and confidently, whetheryou'rerecording for a podcast, broadcasting live, or filming videos.Thisensures your audience understands you better, no matter whatisyour linguastic background.
Yes, Pronounce can analyze your speech recording and provide instant suggestions and corrections, making it ideal for live broadcasts or interviews.
Absolutely. Pronounce helps you practice and master phrases and vocabulary that might be specific to certain industries, enhancing your communication skills during interviews.
While Pronounce focuses on spoken English, the vocabulary and grammar skills you develop will also improve your written English, helping you craft clear and comprehensible text for global readers.
Pronounce includes progress tracking features that allow you to see how your pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar have improved over time, providing insights into your development and areas that need further attention.
Pronounceis designedto work with accents, offering feedback that helps you adjust your pronunciation to be American or British, if desired, or simplyclearerwithin your accent context.
Yes, Pronounce offers specialized exercises and feedback to help you minimize your native accent, making your English more understandable to a diverse audience.