If you're a non-native English speaker trying to learn how to pronounce the word "colleague," you're in the right place!
The correct pronunciation of the word "colleague" is "kuh-lee-g" (rhymes with "beg"). It can also be pronounced as "ko-lee-g" (rhymes with "egg").
To pronounce "colleague" correctly, start by saying "kuh," as in the word "cute." Then, say "lee," as in the word "bee." Finally, finish the word with a hard "g" sound, as in the word "bag."
You can practice pronouncing the word "colleague" by repeating it several times out loud, or by using a pronunciation guide online.
It's important to practice pronouncing the word "colleague" correctly so that you can communicate effectively in English. Whether you're speaking with colleagues in a professional setting or engaging in casual conversation, it's essential to be able to pronounce the word correctly.
By following these tips, you'll be able to confidently and correctly pronounce the word "colleague" in no time!