How to pronounce


If you're a non-native speaker of English, you may need some help learning how to correctly pronounce the word "vulnerable". The good news is that it's not too difficult to master. Here's how:

First, make sure your mouth is open and relaxed. Take a deep breath and begin by saying the "v" sound: Vvvvv. Then, continue with the "uh" sound, as if you're asking a question: Uuuuh. Next, move on to the "l" sound: Lllll. Then, say the "nuh" sound, as if you're trying to say the word "no": Nuh. Finally, end the word with the "juh" sound, like a soft "h": Juh.

So, all together, the word "vulnerable" is pronounced "Vuh-Luh-Nuh-Juh". Remember to keep your mouth relaxed and your breath steady as you practice. With a bit of practice, you'll master how to pronounce vulnerable in no time!

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