If you are a non-native English speaker learning to pronounce English words, the word "solution" can be a little tricky. The correct way to pronounce it is "suh-loo-shuhn". There are four syllables in the word, and they are pronounced as follows:
The first syllable, "suh", is short and has a schwa sound. To make the schwa sound, keep your lips relaxed and round like you are about to say the letter "O" while letting your vocal cords vibrate.
The second syllable, "loo", also has a schwa sound and is longer than the first syllable. To make this sound, keep your lips slightly more rounded than the first syllable and slightly tense your vocal cords.
The third syllable, "shuh", is similar to the first syllable. Make sure to keep your lips slightly more rounded and tense your vocal cords slightly more than the first syllable.
The fourth syllable, "n", is the final syllable. To make this sound, keep your lips relaxed and slightly rounded and let your vocal cords vibrate.
By following the pronunciation guide above, you will be able to correctly pronounce the word "solution".