How to pronounce


Are you a non-native English speaker who is looking to learn how to correctly pronounce the word "simultaneously"? If so, you have come to the right place! Here, we will discuss the correct way to pronounce this word and provide tips to help you master it.

When it comes to pronouncing the word "simultaneously," there are a few key factors you should be aware of. First, the emphasis should be placed on the second syllable: -tan-E-ous-ly. The first syllable, "sim," should be pronounced with a short i sound, as in the word "sit." The second syllable should be pronounced with a long a sound, as in the word "fate." The third syllable should then be pronounced with a short e sound, as in the word "bet." The fourth syllable should be pronounced with a short u sound, as in the word "hut." The fifth and final syllable should be pronounced with a long e sound, as in the word "bee."

To help you remember how to pronounce the word "simultaneously," you can practice by breaking it down into separate syllables and saying each one slowly and clearly. Additionally, you can also practice saying the word in a sentence to help you remember the correct pronunciation.

By following these tips and techniques, you will be well on your way to mastering the correct pronunciation of the word "simultaneously!"

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