How to pronounce


Do you want to know how to correctly pronounce the English word, "question"? Learning the proper way to say this word is important for speaking English confidently. Here is a guide to pronouncing the word "question" correctly.

To begin, the word is composed of three distinct parts: \textbf{kweh-stch-uhn}. The first part, \textbf{kweh}, is pronounced gently and quickly, and the lips should form a small, tight circle. The second part, \textbf{stch}, is pronounced with a sharp, buzzing sound in the back of the throat. The third part, \textbf{uhn}, is pronounced with a short "uh" sound, similar to the sound in the word "but".

When saying the entire word, the first two parts should be blended together quickly, and the third part should be spoken with a slight pause. The emphasis should be placed on the first part, with the second and third parts spoken more quickly. To practice, try saying the word in two short parts: \textbf{kweh-stch}, and then \textbf{uhn}.

Once you have the pronunciation down, say the word slowly and clearly. It is also helpful to practice saying the word in a sentence, such as, "I have a \textbf{question} about the project." This will help you become more confident in your pronunciation.

Now you know how to correctly pronounce the English word "question." With practice, you will be able to confidently use this word in conversation.

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