How to pronounce


Are you a non-native English speaker who wants to know how to pronounce the word "idiot"? No problem! It's easier than you think.

The word "idiot" is pronounced with three syllables: "i-dee-ut." The "i" sound is short and sharp — it should sound like the "i" in "it" or "sit." The "dee" part is pronounced like the "d" sound in "dog" or "dig." Finally, the "ut" part should sound like the "ut" sound in "cut" or "hut."

To get the full pronunciation, put the syllables together and say "i-dee-ut" quickly and smoothly. Make sure to emphasize the first syllable.

The word "idiot" can be used to describe someone who's foolish or lacking common sense. It's a strong, insulting word, so use it carefully!

Now you know how to pronounce the word "idiot." With a bit of practice, you'll have it down in no time.

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