How to pronounce


Pronouncing the word “debauchery” correctly is essential if you want to be understood when speaking English. Here is a guide on how to correctly pronounce this word:

First, start with the “d” sound. Say the letter “d” and hold it out for a brief moment before moving on to the next letter.

Next, say the “e” sound. It should sound like the “e” in “bed”.

Now, move on to the “b” sound. It should sound like a sharp “b” as in the word “boy”.

After that, say the “au” sound. It should sound like the “o” in “dough” but with a longer “ah” sound.

Finally, pronounce the “ch” sound. It should sound like the “ch” in “chat”.

To put it all together, the correct pronunciation of debauchery is “d-e-b-au-ch-er-ee”.

By following these steps, you will be able to confidently pronounce the word “debauchery” when speaking English.

Definition of


What does it mean


The word "debauchery" comes from the Middle French word "débaucher," which means to entice away from duty or rectitude. The French term is derived from "des-" (indicating removal) and "bauch," stemming from the Old French "baer," which means to open or widen. Over time, the word evolved in English to describe the act of leading away from virtue towards vice or immoral activities, particularly those involving excessive partying or indulgence. This term has been in the English language since the early 17th century and continues to be used to describe activities considered excessively indulgent or morally corrupting.

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