How to pronounce


Pronouncing the word "create" correctly is an important part of communicating in English. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to pronounce create correctly.

First, start with the "c" sound. This is a very soft sound, almost like a "k" but not quite. Your tongue should be touching the back of your teeth and your lips should be slightly rounded.

Next, move on to the "r" sound. This is a rolled "r" sound, so your tongue should be curled and your lips should be rounded.

The "e" sound follows the "r" sound. This is a long "e" sound, so your tongue should be a bit further back in your mouth and your lips should be slightly open.

The final sound of the word is the "ate" sound. This is a soft "ah" sound, with your lips open and your tongue slightly forward.

When you put the word together, it should sound like "cuh-ray-aht."

By practicing these steps, you will be able to pronounce create correctly and confidently in English.

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