Good pronunciation is key when speaking English as a non-native speaker. Here’s an easy guide to help you correctly pronounce the word "confirm".
The first syllable of confirm is "con". The "con" sound is pronounced just like the "con" in the word "connect". Your mouth should be open in an oval shape and your tongue should be slightly behind your bottom teeth.
The next syllable of confirm is "firm". To make the "firm" sound, create a buzzing noise like a bee. The tip of your tongue should be touching your bottom teeth, and your top teeth should be touching your bottom lip.
To pronounce the word "confirm" correctly, combine the two syllables. Your mouth should form an oval shape with your tongue behind your bottom teeth to make the "con" sound. Then, form a buzzing noise like a bee with your tongue behind your top teeth and your top teeth touching your bottom lip to make the "firm" sound.
So in short, the correct pronunciation of "confirm" is "CON-firm". Try repeating this a few times to get a feel for it. With practice, you'll be able to confidently pronounce it in no time!