Are you looking for guidance on how to pronounce the English word "come"?
The pronunciation of "come" is fairly straightforward. It is pronounced as /kʌm/. It is a verb, and is usually pronounced with a short /ʌ/ sound.
When spoken, the "c" should be pronounced with a soft /k/ sound. The "o" should be pronounced with a short /ʌ/ sound, making your mouth form an oval shape. The "m" should be pronounced with a short /m/ sound, making your mouth close. Finally, the "e" should be pronounced with a short /ə/ sound, making your mouth form a wide-open shape.
To practice saying "come," repeat it out loud several times. Focus on stretching out the short /ʌ/ sound, then bringing your mouth back to a closed position to form the /m/ sound. Finally, open your mouth wide again to form the /ə/ sound.
If you’d like to practice further, you can try putting “come” into a sentence. For example: “I will come to the party.”
With the right practice and repetition, you can soon master the pronunciation of "come" and other English words.