How to pronounce


Caramel is an English word that can be tricky to pronounce for non-native English speakers. To correctly pronounce caramel, start by making the "c" sound like a "k." The “car” part of caramel should sound like "kah-ruhl," with the "ah" sound in the middle. The "mel" part should be uttered as one syllable, sounding like "muhl." Put the two parts together and it should sound like "kah-ruhl muhl."

To get the rhythm of the word right, try saying "kah-ruhl muhl" in a quicker, more connected manner, with the stress on the syllable right before the "l" sound. The final word should be pronounced as "kah-ruhlmuhl," as if the two parts are running together. The sound should be smooth and the rhythm should be slightly faster than normal.

To practice, try saying the word several times in a row, repeating it until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation. Breaking the word into syllables can also help to get the pronunciation correct.

Remember, to correctly pronounce caramel, the “car” part should sound like "kah-ruhl" and the “mel” part should be uttered as one syllable, sounding like "muhl." Put the two parts together and it should sound like "kah-ruhlmuhl." With practice, you'll be saying the word like a native English speaker in no time!

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