How to pronounce


When it comes to correctly pronouncing resilience, there are a few tips that can help non-native English speakers. The word resilience is pronounced \rih-ZIL-yuhns\ and is made up of three distinct syllables.

The first syllable, \rih, is pronounced with a short sound, similar to the sound made when saying the word "it." The second syllable, \ZIL, is pronounced with a slight emphasis on the letter "Z" and with a longer sound, similar to the sound made when saying the word "ill." Finally, the third syllable, \yuhns, is pronounced with a long sound, similar to the sound made when saying the word "lions."

When speaking the word "resilience," the emphasis should be placed on the second syllable, \ZIL, which should be slightly longer and louder than the other two syllables.

As a helpful reminder for non-native English speakers, the word resilience can be compared to other similar sounding words, such as "resistance," "diligence," and "intelligence," which all have a similar pronunciation pattern.

By following these guidelines, non-native English speakers should be able to correctly pronounce the word "resilience" and be better understood by native English speakers.

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What does it mean


Frequently asked questions

How do you say resilience correctly?
To pronounce resilience correctly, break it down into syllables (re-zil-i-ence) and listen closely to how each part sounds. You can use Pronounce AI to master your pronunciation in real-time. Repeating the word slowly and recording yourself with a tool like helps you identify areas to improve.
What are some synonyms for resilience?
Some synonyms for resilience include endurance, perseverance, and flexibility. The right synonym may vary depending on context. For instance, endurance might emphasize stamina, while flexibility may highlight adaptability.
Are there alternative pronunciations of resilience?
Yes, resilience may have slight variations in pronunciation between American and British English. In American English, you might hear it as re-ZIL-yuhns, while in British English, it can sound closer to ri-ZIL-ee-uhns.

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