How to pronounce


When pronouncing Duquesne, begin by forming the "d" sound with the tongue touching the back of the top teeth. Then, round your lips to form the "oo" sound, similar to the word "due." Next, move the tip of your tongue behind your bottom teeth to make the "k" sound. For the "s" sound, place the tip of your tongue near the roof of your mouth while slightly hissing out air. Finally, end with the "n" sound by touching the tip of your tongue to the back of your top teeth and releasing air through your nose.

British Pronunciation: /djuːˈkeɪn/ (d-yoo-KAYN)

American Pronunciation: /duˈkeɪn/ (doo-KAYN)

Definition of


Duquesne is a noun that refers to a city or a university in Pennsylvania, United States.

It can also be used as an adjective to describe something or someone as related to the city or university.

For example, "I graduated from Duquesne University" or "The Duquesne City Hall is located in downtown".

What does it mean


Frequently asked questions

How do you say Duquesne correctly?
To pronounce Duquesne correctly, break it down into syllables (doo-KAYN) and listen to native speakers. You can use Pronounce AI to check pronunciation in your conversations. Repeating the word multiple times daily and recording yourself with can help refine your pronunciation.
What are some synonyms for Duquesne?
Because Duquesne is a proper noun and typically refers to a family name or place, it doesn’t have direct synonyms in the same way common words do. However, similar-sounding variations like “Ducaine” or “Dukane” appear in surnames or brand names. Always double-check spellings and contexts if you encounter these variations.
Are there alternative pronunciations of Duquesne?
Yes, some speakers may pronounce Duquesne slightly differently based on regional accents or dialect variations. While the most common American English pronunciation is doo-KAYN, a more French-influenced version might emphasize the second syllable differently, like doo-KEHN. Proper names often have subtle differences in pronunciation, so listening to local usage is helpful.

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