IPA Transcription:
American Pronunciation: /mɪˌsɒˈdʒɪnɪstɪk/
Breakdown: mih-SAH-jih-nih-stik
British Pronunciation: /mɪˌsɒˈdʒɪnɪstɪk/
Breakdown: mi-SAH-jih-nih-stik
The first syllable "mi" is pronounced with a short "i" sound like in "sit" (/mɪ/). The second syllable "so" has a soft "s" sound like in "rose" (/sɒ/). The following syllable "ji" is pronounced with a soft "j" sound like in "jam" (/dʒɪ/). The fourth syllable "ni" has a similar sound as in "nineteen" (/nɪ/). The final syllable "stik" is pronounced with a long "i" sound like in "speak" (/stɪk/). The stresses in the word are placed on the second and fourth syllables (/mɪˌsɒˈdʒɪnɪstɪk/).
The word misogynistic means to have hatred, dislike, or prejudice towards women, and it is mainly used to describe attitudes or behaviors that are harmful or discriminatory towards women.
Definition of
Word: misogynistic (adjective)
Definition: having a strong dislike, prejudice, or contempt toward women and their abilities and rights; exhibiting or promoting discrimination against women
Example 1: His misogynistic views were evident in the way he constantly interrupted and belittled the female employees in meetings.
Example 2: The band's lyrics were criticized for being misogynistic and promoting derogatory stereotypes of women.
Example 3: The country's laws were considered to be misogynistic, as they provided unequal rights and opportunities for men and women.
Example 4: She was tired of dealing with the misogynistic comments and behavior from her male colleagues in the workplace.
Example 5: The comedian's jokes were deemed inappropriate and misogynistic by many audience members, leading to backlash and controversy.