How to pronounce


Are you looking to correctly pronounce the word "erudite"? You've come to the right place. Here, you'll find all the tips and tricks you need to pronounce this complicated word.

First, break the word down into three syllables: er-u-dite. Start by saying the first syllable, "er." This is pronounced with a short "eh" sound as in "bed" and a short "r" sound. The next syllable is "u," which is pronounced like the "oo" sound in "cool." Finally, the third syllable is "dite," which is pronounced with a short "i" sound like in "bit" and a soft "t" sound.

Now, say the whole word. Put it all together, and you have: "er-u-dite." Say it slowly and with emphasis on the first syllable.

Congratulations! You have now learned how to correctly pronounce the word "erudite." Practice saying it aloud to perfect your pronunciation.

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Frequently asked questions

How do you say erudite correctly?
To pronounce erudite correctly, break it down into four syllables: ER-u-dyte. You can practice by using Pronounce AI or listening to native speakers. Repetition and recording on sites like will help you refine how you say it.
What are some synonyms for erudite?
Some synonyms for erudite include learned, scholarly, and knowledgeable. When choosing a synonym for erudite, consider whether you need a more formal term, like scholarly, or a simpler term, like learned.
Are there alternative pronunciations of erudite?
Yes, erudite may have slightly different pronunciations in various accents or dialects. Some speakers say it as ER-u-dyte, while others may say AIR-u-dyte. Exposure to speakers from different regions can help you understand these variations.

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