Good is one of the most commonly used words in English, and it's important to know how to pronounce it correctly. To pronounce good, begin with a light "g" sound in the back of the throat, similar to the "g" sound in the word "go." Then, make a short "o" sound, like the "o" in "go" or the "o" in "hot." Finally, end with a "d" sound, like the "d" in "dog."
When pronouncing good, it's important to keep the "o" short and to make sure you don't accidentally add an extra syllable. The emphasis should be on the "d" at the end of the word.
Practice saying the word out loud several times. Listen to yourself and make sure you are pronouncing the "g" and "o" sounds correctly. If you need a reference, try repeating the word after a native speaker. To practice further, try repeating a sentence that contains the word "good," such as "I'm feeling good today."
With a little bit of practice, you can easily learn how to pronounce good correctly. Soon enough, you'll be confidently saying this word in conversations and sounding like a native speaker!
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Frequently asked questions
How do you say good correctly?
To pronounce good correctly, focus on the short 'oo' sound, similar to words like 'foot'. The 'g' sound should be voiced and crisp at the beginning of the word. You can use Pronounce AI to check your pronunciation in conversations. Practice by repeating the word multiple times and consider recording yourself with to refine it further.
What are some synonyms for good?
Some synonyms for good include fine, excellent, positive, and decent. The choice of synonym depends on context, so choose the one that most accurately captures the level or type of goodness you want to express.
Are there alternative pronunciations of good?
Yes, you may hear slight variations of good depending on regional accents or dialects. For instance, in some British accents, the 'oo' sound can be slightly more rounded, while many American speakers keep it quite short and relaxed.