IELTS Writing Task 2 Question

In some countries, the voting age is 16 while in others, it is 18 or higher. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a lower voting age and give your opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Answer

Score 6

In various countries, the voting age differs, with some allowing individuals as young as 16 to vote, while others set the minimum age at 18 or older. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a lower voting age and provide my opinion on the matter.

One advantage of lowering the voting age is that it can promote greater political engagement among young people. By allowing them to participate in the electoral process, they may develop a deeper interest in politics and become more informed citizens. Additionally, a lower voting age can ensure that the interests of younger individuals are better represented in the political process.

However, there are also disadvantages to lowering the voting age. Some argue that younger individuals may lack the maturity and life experience to make informed decisions about complex political issues. Furthermore, younger voters may be more susceptible to manipulation by politicians, who could exploit their lack of experience for political gain.

In my opinion, the voting age should be set at 18, as this age generally represents the transition into adulthood and greater independence. At 18, individuals are more likely to have developed the maturity and understanding necessary to make informed decisions in the voting process.

In conclusion, while there are advantages to a lower voting age, such as increased political engagement and representation of younger interests, the disadvantages, including potential immaturity and susceptibility to manipulation, should not be overlooked. In my view, a voting age of 18 is appropriate to balance these factors.

In some countries, the voting age is 16 while in others, it is 18 or higher. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a lower voting age and give your opinion.

In various countries, the voting age differs, with some allowing individuals as young as 16 to vote, while others set the minimum age at 18 or older. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a lower voting age and provide my opinion on the matter.

One advantage of lowering the voting age is that it can promote greater political engagement among young people. By allowing them to participate in the electoral process, they may develop a deeper interest in politics and become more informed citizens. Additionally, a lower voting age can ensure that the interests of younger individuals are better represented in the political process.

However, there are also disadvantages to lowering the voting age. Some argue that younger individuals may lack the maturity and life experience to make informed decisions about complex political issues. Furthermore, younger voters may be more susceptible to manipulation by politicians, who could exploit their lack of experience for political gain.

In my opinion, the voting age should be set at 18, as this age generally represents the transition into adulthood and greater independence. At 18, individuals are more likely to have developed the maturity and understanding necessary to make informed decisions in the voting process.

In conclusion, while there are advantages to a lower voting age, such as increased political engagement and representation of younger interests, the disadvantages, including potential immaturity and susceptibility to manipulation, should not be overlooked. In my view, a voting age of 18 is appropriate to balance these factors.

Examiner Feedback

  1. Task response: The response covers advantages and disadvantages, but could provide more specific examples and explore the consequences of a lower voting age in greater depth.
  2. Coherence and cohesion: The essay is generally well-structured, but could benefit from more cohesive devices to improve the flow and better connect the ideas. For instance, using phrases like "Furthermore" or "On the other hand" to introduce new points.
  3. Vocabulary: The vocabulary used is adequate but could be more varied and precise to express ideas more effectively. For example, using "political literacy" instead of "informed citizens."
  4. Grammar: The grammar is mostly accurate, but there is room for improvement in terms of sentence structure and variety. For instance, incorporating complex sentences or using passive voice when appropriate.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Answer

Score 8

In different countries around the world, the voting age varies, with some nations allowing citizens as young as 16 to cast their ballots, while others maintain a higher threshold of 18 or older. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of lowering the voting age and offer my perspective on the issue.

One notable advantage of reducing the voting age is the potential for fostering political engagement among youth. By granting young individuals the right to vote, they may become more inclined to take an active interest in political matters, ultimately leading to a more politically literate and engaged generation. Furthermore, the inclusion of younger voices in the electoral process ensures that their concerns and interests are adequately represented, thereby promoting a more inclusive and diverse political landscape.

Conversely, there are also drawbacks to lowering the voting age. Critics contend that younger individuals may lack the maturity and life experience necessary to make well-informed decisions regarding complex political subjects. This could result in voting patterns that do not accurately reflect the best interests of society as a whole. Additionally, young voters may be more vulnerable to manipulation by politicians seeking to exploit their relative inexperience for political advantage.

In my view, setting the voting age at 18 strikes a reasonable balance between the advantages and disadvantages of a lower voting age. Eighteen typically marks the transition into adulthood and increased independence, at which point individuals are more likely to possess the maturity and critical thinking skills required to make informed decisions in the voting process. While lowering the voting age to 16 could result in greater youth engagement and representation, the potential negative consequences, such as immaturity and susceptibility to manipulation, should be carefully considered.

In conclusion, the advantages of a lower voting age, including enhanced political engagement and representation of younger demographics, must be weighed against the disadvantages, such as potential immaturity and vulnerability to manipulation. In my opinion, maintaining a voting age of 18 provides a more appropriate balance, ensuring that voters have the necessary maturity and understanding to participate effectively in the electoral process. By upholding this threshold, societies can work towards a more inclusive and informed electorate, better equipped to navigate the complexities of modern politics.

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The IELTS Writing Task 2 is an essay writing task in which test-takers are required to write a 250-word essay in response to a given prompt or question. The task assesses the ability of the test-taker to present a clear and well-structured argument, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and provide relevant examples and supporting evidence.