Do you want to learn how to pronounce the word "report"? Here is a step-by-step guide for you.
Start off by saying "re-". The "re-" sound should be short and crisp, like the "re" in "red".
Then, proceed to the "pohrt" part of the word. The "poh" sound is like the "p" in the word "poke". The "oh" should sound like the "o" in "note". The "rt" should be pronounced with a single, distinct syllable, like the "rt" in the word "hurt".
Finally, you need to pronounce the ending of the word. The "t" should sound like the "t" in "tip".
Put it all together and you have the correct pronunciation of the word "report". Re-pohrt. It is important to keep the syllables distinct and create a clear division between each sound.