Are you struggling to correctly pronounce the word “rapport”? Pronouncing it correctly is actually quite easy with just a few simple steps.
First, start by saying the word “rap” with an “ah” sound. Then, add an “o” sound and the “r” sound at the same time. Finally, add the “paw” sound at the end.
When pronouncing “rapport,” your lips should be slightly open and your tongue should be flat. Make sure to hold the “aw” sound for a few seconds.
If you’re still having trouble, practice pronouncing the word out loud until you feel comfortable. You could also try saying it slowly, emphasizing each sound.
With a little bit of practice, you’ll be pronouncing “rapport” like a pro in no time! So, the next time you need to say this word, you’ll be confident that you’re saying it correctly.
Need more help? Try watching a tutorial video on how to pronounce rapport. These videos provide an audio and visual guide and can help you understand the correct way to say the word.
Now you know how to pronounce rapport. With practice and a bit of patience, you’ll be speaking like a native speaker in no time!
Definition of
What does it mean
Frequently asked questions
How do you say rapport correctly?
To pronounce rapport correctly, remember that the final 't' is silent. It sounds like ‘ra-POR’. Listen to native speakers to get the flow of the stress and intonation right. You can also use a tool like Pronounce AI or record yourself on to refine your pronunciation.
What are some synonyms for rapport?
Some synonyms for rapport include 'connection', 'bond', 'affinity', and 'understanding'. The best choice depends on the relationship or atmosphere you want to describe.
Are there alternative pronunciations of rapport?
Yes, while the most common pronunciation is “ra-POR” (with a silent ‘t’), some speakers might lightly pronounce the ‘t’ at the end as “ra-POR-t”. This variation is less common, but you may encounter it in certain regions.