How to pronounce


Are you trying to learn how to pronounce the French word liaison? It’s not too difficult! The easiest way to pronounce it is with the English spelling, “lie-uh-ZON.” The “lie” is like the pronunciation of the word “lie” in the English language, and the “uh” sound is like the pronunciation of the word “uh-huh.” The “ZON” is pronounced like the English word “zone.”

The French pronunciation of the word “liaison” is slightly different. It is pronounced “lee-ah-ZON.” The “lee” is pronounced like the English word “lee,” and the “ah” sound is like the pronunciation of the word “ah.” The “ZON” is still pronounced like the English word “zone.”

Finally, the French pronunciation of the word “liaison” is often softened to “lee-ay-ZON.” The “lee” is still pronounced like the English word “lee,” but the “ay” sound is like the pronunciation of the word “aye.” The “ZON” is still pronounced like the English word “zone.”

No matter which pronunciation you use, you can easily learn how to pronounce the word “liaison” correctly. Just remember to pronounce it “lie-uh-ZON,” “lee-ah-ZON,” or “lee-ay-ZON” and you will be speaking French like a native!

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Frequently asked questions

How do you say liaison correctly?
To pronounce liaison correctly, break it down into three syllables: li-ai-son, emphasizing the middle vowel sound. You can use Pronounce AI to check pronunciation in your conversations. Repeating the word multiple times daily and recording yourself with can help refine your pronunciation.
What are some synonyms for liaison?
Some synonyms for liaison include connection, contact, coordinator, mediator, and link. Each term can shift slightly in meaning depending on the context, so choose a synonym that best suits your purpose.
Are there alternative pronunciations of liaison?
Yes, liaison may have alternative pronunciations depending on dialect. In American English, it’s often pronounced as lee-AY-zahn, while in British English, you may also hear lee-AY-zon. The differences are subtle, but both variations are understood by native speakers.

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