If you're a non-native English speaker, learning how to correctly pronounce "immediate" is essential. The word is pronounced \ih-MEED-yuh-muhnt, and the emphasis should be on the second syllable.
To get the pronunciation right, start by saying the "i" sound in "immediate" like the "i" in "it." Then, move on to the second syllable, saying "mee" like the sound in "meet." After that, say the "duh" sound like the "u" in "hug" and finally the "muhnt" like the "nt" in "ant."
When you say "immediate," your lips should be slightly rounded. Practice the word several times until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation. Repeat it out loud and make sure to stress the second syllable.
It's important to practice saying "immediate" correctly as it can come up in many different contexts. Make sure to listen to native English speakers saying the word to get the pronunciation just right. With a bit of practice, you'll soon be able to say "immediate" like a native English speaker.