If you’re a non-native English speaker, you may have trouble correctly pronouncing certain words. One word that can be especially difficult is “hour.” Here is a step-by-step guide to help you learn how to pronounce hour correctly.
First, make sure your lips and jaw are relaxed.
Next, make a “h” sound by breathing out through your mouth.
Then, make a “ow” sound by pursing your lips and making a rounded sound.
Finally, round out the sound by adding an “er” sound with the back of your tongue.
So, to correctly pronounce “hour,” you should say: “h-ow-er.” Practice saying it out loud until it becomes easier. With regular practice, you will be able to pronounce “hour” correctly in no time!
Definition of
What does it mean
Frequently asked questions
How do you say hour correctly?
To pronounce hour correctly, break it down as “ow-er,” bearing in mind that the initial ‘h’ is silent. You can record yourself with tools like Pronounce AI or getpronounce.com to compare your pronunciation with native speakers. Practicing little and often will help you master the subtle sound.
Is it correct to say an hour or a hour?
Because hour starts with a vowel sound (even though it begins with the letter ‘h’), you use the article 'an.' For example, you say 'an hour ago' instead of 'a hour ago.'
What are some synonyms for hour?
Some synonyms for hour include '60-minute period,' 'time slot,' and 'session.' The choice of synonym depends on the context, such as scheduling or discussing a specific duration of time.