How to pronounce


When trying to pronounce the English word "help," there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the word should be pronounced with two syllables, with the emphasis on the first syllable. It should sound like "hel-p," with the "h" sound being short and "el" sounding like the "el" in "elbow." The "p" sound should be said with a short burst of breath.

To practice this pronunciation, it can be helpful to break the word into its two parts. Start by saying the "h" sound, followed by a short pause, and then saying "el," as if you were saying "elbow." Then, say the "p" with a short burst of breath.

When saying the full word, it is important to remember that the emphasis should be on the first syllable. This means that the "h" should be said just slightly louder and longer than the "el" and "p" sounds.

Finally, it is important to remember that the "p" sound is very short and should not be drawn out.

Overall, the word "help" should sound like "hel-p," with the emphasis on the first syllable and the "p" being said with a short burst of breath. With practice, this pronunciation will become second nature.

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