How to pronounce


To pronounce the word foyer, first make sure to place the tip of your tongue lightly against your upper teeth. Then, with your lips slightly rounded, start by making an "f" sound, as in "fan." Quickly move to the "w" sound, as in "want." Finish with an "ah" sound, as in "ahh," while pulling the corners of your lips slightly back.

In IPA, the British pronunciation is /ˈfɔɪər/ and the American pronunciation is /ˈfɔɪɚ/.

Definition of


Noun: A foyer is a large entrance hall or lobby, typically found in a theater, hotel, or public building.

Example 1: My friends and I met in the theater foyer before the show started.
Example 2: We were mesmerized by the grand chandeliers that adorned the hotel foyer.
Example 3: The museum’s foyer was filled with stunning artwork and sculptures.
Example 4: I arrived a bit early for my job interview and waited in the office foyer.
Example 5: The grand staircase in the mansion’s foyer left a lasting impression on visitors.

What does it mean


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