The word "fathom" does not have a significant difference in pronunciation between the two accents.
American Pronunciation: /ˈfæðəm/
Breakdown: FATH-uhm
British Pronunciation: /ˈfæðəm/
Breakdown: FATH-uhm
To pronounce "fathom," start with the "f" sound, which is a voiceless labiodental fricative. Place your upper teeth on your lower lip and push air through to make the sound. Then, move onto the "æ" sound, which is a front half-open vowel. This sound is similar to the "a" in "bat" or "cat." The "ð" sound comes next, which is a voiced dental fricative. To make this sound, place your tongue between your teeth and push air through. Finally, end with the "əm" sound, which is a slightly nasalized "m" sound. Close your lips and let the air pass through your nose to create this sound.
In summary, "fathom" is pronounced as "FATH-uhm" in both American and British English, with the stress on the first syllable. Remember to place emphasis on the "th" sound, as it is what differentiates "fathom" from the similar-sounding word "atom."
Definition of
Fathom (noun, verb):
- (noun) a unit of measurement for water depth, equal to six feet.
Example: The diver descended to a depth of 20 fathoms while exploring the ocean floor.
- (noun) the understanding or comprehension of something that is difficult to grasp or measure.
Example: I cannot fathom why he would make such a drastic decision without consulting his team.
- (verb) to understand or explore the depths of something.
Example: He tried to fathom the meaning behind her cryptic message.
- (verb) to measure the depth of something with a fathom.
Example: The sailors used a rope to fathom the depth of the river before anchoring their boat.
What does it mean
Frequently asked questions
How do you say fathom correctly?
To pronounce fathom correctly, break it into two syllables: fa-thum. Pay attention to the soft 'th' sound. Listening to native speakers and practicing with resources like Pronounce AI can help you perfect the pronunciation. Consistent practice and self-recordings using sites like will refine your accent.
What does fathom mean in different contexts?
Fathom generally refers to understanding something thoroughly, but it also has a specific maritime meaning as a unit of depth measurement (equivalent to six feet). Depending on the context, fathom can take on nuances of comprehension or oceanic depth.
Are there alternative pronunciations for fathom?
Yes, in most dialects of American English, it’s pronounced as fa-thum, while in British English, you might hear a slightly different vowel sound, fa-thəm. Accents and speech patterns can vary the pronunciation subtly.