How to pronounce


Delivering words correctly is essential for effective communication in English. To properly pronounce the word “deliver,” begin by forming your lips into an “uh” shape and exhaling a short burst of air. This sound is the “d” sound. Next, move your tongue into an “e” shape and make a short “eh” sound. Then, move your tongue into an “i” shape and make a long “eh” sound. Finally, move your tongue into an “uh” shape and make a short “uh” sound. Put the sounds together to make the word “deliver”: “duh-eh-lih-vuh.”

To help practice the pronunciation of “deliver,” try repeating the word several times in a row. Listen to recordings of native English speakers saying the word. Listen to the way they form the sounds and try to imitate the pronunciation. Additionally, practice saying sentences that include the word “deliver” to get used to saying it in context.

By following these steps, you can learn how to pronounce the word “deliver” correctly. With enough practice and dedication, you can master this and other English words.

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