How to pronounce


If you're a non-native English speaker trying to learn how to correctly pronounce the word "debut," you've come to the right place. Pronouncing this word correctly requires mastering both the consonant and vowel sounds.

To begin, the word "debut" starts with the consonant sound "d." To pronounce this sound correctly, place the tip of your tongue against the back of your front teeth, while your lips are slightly apart. Then, expel a short burst of air.

The next sound in the word "debut" is the letter "e." To pronounce this sound correctly, begin by placing your tongue in the middle of your mouth. Then, raise the corners of your lips and form a smile. Finally, let the air escape from your mouth.

The third sound in the word "debut" is the letter "b." To pronounce this sound correctly, start by placing your lips together. Then, open them slightly and expel a short burst of air through them.

The final sound in the word "debut" is the letter "u." To pronounce this sound correctly, start by rounding your lips. Then, let the air escape from your mouth.

When all of these sounds are put together, the correct pronunciation of the word "debut" is "dih-byoot." Remember to practice saying this word regularly to ensure you are pronouncing it correctly.

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