How to pronounce


  • American Pronunciation: In American English, "clematis" is pronounced as /ˈklɛmətɪs/. It has three syllables, with the stress on the first syllable: KLEM-uh-tis. The "KLEM" sounds like "clam" with an "e," the "uh" is a short, soft sound, and "tis" sounds like "tis" in "artist."
  • British Pronunciation: In British English, "clematis" can also be pronounced as /ˈklɛmətɪs/ or sometimes as /klɪˈmætɪs/, with the stress shifting to the second syllable in the latter: kli-MAT-is. The difference lies in the articulation of vowels, where "kli" sounds like "cli" in "click," "MAT" like "mat," and "is" remains the same.

Definition of


Clematis refers to a genus of mostly climbing plants, known for their beautiful flowers. They are popular in gardens and landscapes for their ornamental value, displaying a wide range of colors and flower shapes. Clematis vines are versatile, used for decorating trellises, walls, and arbors, and are prized for their prolonged and prolific blooming period.

What does it mean


The word "clematis" comes from the Greek "klema," meaning "twig" or "branch." This etymology reflects the plant's climbing habit, as it often twines around other plants and structures. The term was adopted into Latin as "clematis," and has been used in botanical contexts to describe these climbing plants, highlighting their characteristic growth pattern and the way they branch and spread.

Frequently asked questions

How do you say clematis correctly?
To pronounce clematis correctly, break it down into three syllables: CLE-MA-TIS. Make sure you stress the first syllable slightly. You can use Pronounce AI to check pronunciation in your conversations. Repeating the word multiple times daily and recording yourself with can help refine your pronunciation.
What are some synonyms for clematis?
Some synonyms or alternative names for clematis include Virgin’s bower, Traveller’s joy, and Old man’s beard. These names often refer to particular species of clematis, and the choice of name can vary by region.
Are there alternative pronunciations of clematis?
Yes, clematis can have alternative pronunciations depending on regional accents. In some areas, it’s pronounced as KLEM-uh-tis, while others say kli-MAY-tis. Both variations are recognized and used by native speakers.

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