If you’re a non-native English speaker looking to learn how to pronounce the word "chore," you’ve come to the right place. Pronouncing "chore" correctly can help you sound more natural and fluent in English. Here’s how to say it:
Start by saying the letter "C." This letter makes a "k" sound, like the "k" in "cat." Then, move on to the "H" that follows. The "H" sound in "chore" is a bit different than the one used in words like "hello." Here, it’s more of a light "h" sound, like the one you make when you exhale. To make this sound, you don’t need to use your vocal cords; just release air through your throat.
Next, pronounce the "O." This letter should make a short, quick "ah" sound. Think of it like the "a" sound in "apple." Finally, pronounce the "R." This letter should make a short "er" sound, similar to the one you make when you say the word "her."
To put it all together, "chore" should sound like "k-h-ah-er." Practice saying it a few times until you feel confident with the pronunciation. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to pronounce "chore" correctly in no time!