If you are a non-native English speaker and looking to learn how to correctly pronounce the word “audiences”, you’ve come to the right place!
To correctly pronounce “audiences”, begin by saying the letter “A” like the letter “A” in the word “apple.” Then, say the letter “U” like the letter “U” in the word “universe.” Next, say the letter “D” like the letter “D” in the word “dog.” To finish off the word, say the letters “I” and “E” like the letter “I” in the word “ice” and the letter “E” in the word “elephant.” Then, say the letter “N” like the letter “N” in the word “nice” and the letter “C” like the letter “C” in the word “cat.” Finally, say the letter “E” like the letter “E” in the word “elephant.”
Put it all together and you should have the correct pronunciation of “audiences”: ah-dee-uhn-ceez. To practice your pronunciation, try saying the word out loud a few times. With enough practice, you’ll have the correct pronunciation of “audiences” down pat!
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Frequently asked questions
How do you say audiences correctly?
To pronounce audiences correctly, break it down into four syllables (au-di-en-ces). Listen to native speakers, and practice the word in phrases to ensure proper stress and intonation. You can record yourself saying it on getpronounce.com to get instant feedback on how natural your pronunciation sounds.
What are some synonyms for audiences?
Some synonyms for audiences include viewers, spectators, listeners, and onlookers. The choice of synonym depends on the context, whether it’s a live event, a television show, or another medium.
Are there alternative pronunciations of audiences?
Yes, audiences may have slight variations, especially in different regional accents. In American English, you might hear /ˈɔːdiənsɪz/, while in British English it may sound slightly more like /ˈɔːdi.ənsɪz/ with a more enunciated ‘r’ and subtle vowel differences.