How to pronounce


Understanding how to pronounce the word "ancient" correctly is an important part of achieving fluency in English. Here are some tips for saying the word correctly:

1. Start by saying the consonant sound at the beginning of the word, which is "ah".

1. Then, add the "n" sound. This is a nasal sound, so make sure to open your mouth slightly when you make the "n" sound.

1. Next, say the "sh" sound. This is a voiceless sound, so make sure to keep your vocal cords closed when you make the "sh" sound.

1. Finally, finish the word by saying the last consonant sound, which is "nt". This is a voiced sound, so make sure to open your vocal cords when you make the "nt" sound.

Practice saying the word "ancient" a few times until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation. Remember, the key is to make sure you are saying each sound correctly and clearly. If you need more help, try watching videos or listening to audio recordings of native English speakers pronouncing the word.

Now, you know how to pronounce "ancient" correctly. With practice, you will be able to confidently use the word in your conversations with native English speakers.

Definition of


What does it mean


Frequently asked questions

How do you say ancient correctly?
To pronounce ancient correctly, break it down into syllables (an-cient) and practice emphasizing the first syllable. You can listen to sample pronunciations from native speakers and record yourself using online tools like to refine your accent.
What are some synonyms for ancient?
Some synonyms for ancient include archaic, old-fashioned, and antique. Each of these can capture the idea of something dating from a long time ago or existing for many years.
How can I use ancient in everyday speech?
You can use ancient to describe something very old, whether literal or figurative. For example, you might say “My phone is ancient” to emphasize how outdated it is. Context determines whether the statement is exaggerated or factual.

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