How to pronounce


Thorough is a word that is often mispronounced by non-native English speakers. Pronouncing it correctly is essential to ensure that you are understood while speaking.

To correctly pronounce "thorough," start by forming the 'th' sound, which is created by pressing the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and expelling air. This sound is similar to the Spanish "t" or the French "t."

The next sound is the 'o.' To produce the correct 'o' sound, purse your lips and push air through them, as if you are about to whistle.

The 'ugh' sound is the last one. To make this sound, create a deep throat sound and push air through your throat. This sound is similar to the sound made when a doctor checks your throat.

Once you have mastered these sounds, you can practice saying "thorough" by stringing the sounds together. Start with the 'th' sound, followed by the 'o' sound, and lastly the 'ugh' sound. Be sure to emphasize the 'ugh' sound by elongating it; it should be the longest sound in the word.

By following these steps and practicing regularly, you should soon be able to confidently and correctly pronounce "thorough."

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