Are you looking for help on how to pronounce the word "started"? You've come to the right place! Pronouncing "started" correctly is essential for those trying to improve their English speaking skills.
The first step is to pronounce the "t" sound. Make sure to put a lot of emphasis on the t sound, as it is an important part of the pronunciation. The "t" should sound like a "t" in the word "tent".
The next step is to pronounce the "a" sound. This should be pronounced like the "a" in the word "apple".
The third step is to pronounce the "r" sound. The "r" should sound like the "r" in the word "red".
The fourth step is to pronounce the "ed" sound. This should sound like the "ed" in the word "bed".
To pronounce the entire word correctly, say "start-ed" with a slight pause between the two syllables. The emphasis should be on the first syllable - "start".
With a bit of practice, you will soon be able to confidently and correctly pronounce the word "started". Good luck!