How to pronounce


When learning how to pronounce serendipity, start by breaking the word into syllables. The word is made up of three syllables - ser-en-dip-i-ty.

The first syllable, "ser", is pronounced like the word "serve", with the "r" sound almost silent.

The second syllable, "en", is pronounced like the word "when".

The third syllable, "dip", is most like the word "dip" with a slight emphasis on the "d" sound.

The fourth syllable, "i", is pronounced like the letter "i" in the word "sit".

The fifth syllable, "ty", is pronounced like the word "tie".

Put all these syllables together and you have the correct pronunciation of serendipity: "ser-en-dip-i-ty".

Learning to pronounce serendipity correctly is easy when you break the word down into syllables and practice each one. If you need further help, you can always consult a native English speaker, an English pronunciation guide, or an English speech coach.

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