Correct pronunciation of the word psychology is essential for effective communication and proper understanding of the term. Knowing how to correctly pronounce psychology is key to speaking English with clarity and confidence.
When you say the word psychology, the first syllable is pronounced /sahy-kuh-luh-jee/. The second syllable is pronounced /koh-lee/. To properly enunciate the word, the emphasis should be on the first syllable.
To practice pronunciation of this word, break it down into syllables and repeat as often as necessary. Start by saying /sahy-/ and then follow with /kuh-luh-jee/. The next syllable is pronounced /koh-/, followed by /lee/.
It is also important to be aware of the stress of the word. When you say psychology, the emphasis should be on the first syllable, /sahy-kuh-luh-jee/.
When speaking with other English speakers, it is important to pay attention to the pronunciation of words. Practice saying psychology to ensure you are correctly pronouncing the word and to gain confidence in your English speaking skills.