How to pronounce


If you want to know how to pronounce the word panacea, the first thing you must do is break it down into syllables. Panacea is pronounced "pa-nuh-see-uh".

The "pa" sound is made by placing your lips in a small circle and releasing a short burst of air. The "nuh" sound is made by pushing the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and releasing a short burst of air. The "see" sound is made by forming your lips into a smile and releasing a short burst of air. Finally, the "uh" sound is made by opening your mouth and releasing a longer, slower burst of air.

When you put all the syllables together, the word will be pronounced like "pa-nuh-see-uh". Remember, the stress of the word falls on the second syllable which is "nuh".

Practice saying the word out loud a few times until you have it right. With practice, you will be able to pronounce panacea correctly.

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