How to pronounce


Pronouncing the English word "level" correctly is not difficult. Here are some tips to help you get it right.

First, begin by saying "L" and then add "eh" as in "bed" followed by "v" and then "uh" as in "butter". Put it all together and the correct pronunciation of level is "L-eh-v-uhl".

When you practice pronouncing the word, it is important to keep your mouth relaxed. Open your mouth slightly and move your tongue in the correct position to make the "L" sound. The "eh" should sound like the "e" in "bed," and the "v" should be pronounced like a light "v" sound. Finally, the "uh" should sound like the "u" in "butter".

Practice pronouncing the word slowly and carefully. Say it out loud several times to get the hang of it. When you feel comfortable with the pronunciation, speak the word faster. With practice, it will become easier and more natural for you to pronounce the word correctly.

With these tips, you should now have a better idea of how to correctly pronounce "level".

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