Intelligence is a noun that can be pronounced in two ways: "in-tel-i-juhns" and "in-tel-i-jen-suh".
The first pronunciation, "in-tel-i-juhns", is the more common pronunciation. To pronounce it correctly, start by saying "in", then add a "tel" sound, followed by a "i" sound. Finish the word off with a "juhns" sound.
The second pronunciation, "in-tel-i-jen-suh", is less common. To pronounce it correctly, start by saying "in", then add a "tel" sound, followed by a "i" sound. Finish the word off with a "jen" sound, followed by a "suh" sound.
When speaking, it's important to enunciate each sound clearly and with the correct emphasis. Stress the syllable "tel", and be mindful of the "i" sound, which should be pronounced with a short, sharp "i" sound.
It is also important to note that the word intelligence should not be confused with the word intellect. Intellect is pronounced "in-tel-ekt".
By following the above steps, you can confidently and correctly pronounce the word intelligence.