How to pronounce


Pronouncing the word "hypocrite" is essential if you want to speak English fluently. This word is composed of six letters and is pronounced "hi-POK-ruht." It's important to remember the stress falls on the second syllable.

To start, pronounce the first syllable "hi" as you would in "high." Then, pronounce the second syllable "POK" as if it were "poke." Put stress on the POK syllable. Lastly, say the third syllable "ruht" like "rooft."

When put together, the word should sound like "hi-POK-ruht."

It's also important to remember that the "y" in the word "hypocrite" is not pronounced. It's simply there to make the "hi" sound longer.

To practice saying the word, try repeating it several times. If you need additional help, record yourself saying the word and compare it to how native English speakers pronounce the word. This will help you adjust your pronunciation until you get it right.

Learning how to pronounce "hypocrite" correctly is key to understanding native English speakers and being understood when you speak English. With practice, you'll be able to pronounce it like a native in no time.

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